Night owls vs. early birds (people, not the birds) study show that the night owls may have an advantage over those that are considered the early birds. First of all, let me take a few seconds to enjoy this, as I myself am a night owl and would like to bask in the glory and true awesomeness of having some sort of advantage over those people that wake early and try to seize the day. Well, that felt pretty good to get that off my chest. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, awesomeness and how I, along with my night owl brethren, possess it.
Night Owls Vs Early Birds Intelligence
To carry on, a study was done where two groups of people, the night owls, and early birds, had their brain waves monitored, and reaction tests taken two times during the day. The first group was the "early birds." most woke up at 7 am, eww, morning time with a single digit. And the second and obviously far superior group was the "night owls," who woke at around 11 am.
Do Night Owls Get More Done?
Both groups the night owls, and early birds received reaction tests and fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) 90 minutes after waking up and 10.5 hours after waking up. Both groups scored about the same during the first tests at 90 minutes post-wake-up. However, at the 10.5 hours post-wake-up tests, the night owl group scored significantly better.
The Benefits of Night Owls Vs Early Birds
The night owl group also showed that their brain waves were more active and could be more productive at later times, unlike the early birds. However, the early birds showed that they could recover from tiredness (sleep pressure) quicker than Night owls.
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