How Can You Tell If You Have A Migraine?

November 27, 2009 | by DoctorSolve

A headache is characterized as pain, felt first at the base of brain structure or in its surrounding tissue, which is often caused by muscle contractions or circulation problems.

Migraines, in comparison to headaches, can prove to be much more serious, requiring a doctor’s assessment or even medication.

Migraines are characterized by several common symptoms:

Unusually long headaches:

Migraines can last from 4 to 72 hours, much longer than the average headache.

Throbbing pain on one side of the head

Headache pain is often steady and felt throughout the whole head; migraines tend to have an intense pulsating nature, in one area.

Sensitivity to light or sound

Migraine sufferers tend to avoid stimulation. If your headaches are so severe that you’ve had to enclose yourself in a dark room, you may be experiencing more than a headache.

Nausea and vomiting

Migraine headaches can also include nausea and vomiting, which isn’t pretty.

Headache worsening with movement

While regular headaches remain on the same ‘pain frequency’ no matter which way you move, migraines intensify with movement.

Pain interferes with daily activities

The pain experienced through migraines can be extremely severe, and get in the way of your everyday life.

Pain occurs after auras

Some migraines occur not long after what medical experts call auras, which can be visual disturbances, like seeing blind spots or double vision, or losing a sense of touch or speech.

These auras often last for short periods of time, and there is a short break between them and the onset of an excruciating migraine.

Any pain that you experience in your head is going to hurt, whether it’s a headache or a migraine. However, while headaches can be eased with over-the-counter medication, frequent migraines are a severe medical condition, which requires medical attention.

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