Heartburn Prevention in 8 Easy Ways

November 15, 2022 | by DoctorSolve

Despite its deceiving name, heartburn has nothing to do with your heart. In fact, the stinging sensation occurs in the oesophagus when acid leaves the stomach and comes into contact with the oesophagus lining. Those who suffer from heartburn, or acid reflux, know how much of a pain it is and are probably constantly searching for ways to reduce acid reflux or heartburn. Here are 8 quick tips to help you in heartburn prevention. 

Eat to Prevent Heartburn 

The first thing that will help you ease heartburn or acid reflux prevention is making sure you have a healthy diet with less acid and more fiber. Fatty foods like to sit in the stomach creating acid, whereas vegetables, fruits, and grains are easily digested with less acid production. Acidic foods including coffee, chili peppers, orange juice, tomato juice, and tomato sauce can cause heartburn. Some drugs like tetracycline, aspirin, Ibuprofen, and iron supplements may cause heartburn. Other foods like garlic, onions, and chocolate may seem to promote heartburn by weakening the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus. Eating more fruits, vegetables, and grains is the best way for preventing heartburn

Prevent Heartburn by Chewing More Gums 

Saliva is a natural heartburn remedy. It is a base that neutralizes acid and washes it back into the stomach. Pop a piece of gum after a heavy meal to prevent heartburn.

Eat Slowly

Eating quickly encourages you to eat more, therefore pushing acid up into the esophagus. Keep your meal proportions moderate and avoid eating on the run – this triggers stress which in turn triggers acid production and sensitivity to the pain of acid reflux.

Drink Herbal Tea for Acid Reflux Prevention 

Herbs have been considered natural heartburn remedies for thousands of years. After eating, brew chamomile, angelica, anise, caraway, seeds, or coriander. Peppermint leaves are also soothing herbs that can be brewed into tea.

Stress Less

Stress increases the pain of acid reflux. If you are usually prone to stress, try meditative activities like yoga, or take an hour or so each day to do something you really enjoy, such as playing an instrument, reading, or pampering yourself with a bubble bath to prevent acid reflux and ease heartburn

Stand More Often Whenever Possible

When you are suffering from pain your instinct might be to lie down. Try not to lie down when you have heartburn because it will cause the stomach acid to overflow therefore increasing the pain. Stick it out standing up.

Don’t Eat and Sleep Immediately

Do not eat within 2 hours before going to bed. Lying down with a full stomach can cause heartburn and indigestion. This can increase pain and prevent you from having a good sleep. It is also suggested that eating before bed can contribute to weight gain.

Avoiding Chocolate Works Well for Heartburn Prevention

Usually, chocolate has health benefits, but when it comes to heartburn, the fat and caffeine in chocolate can stimulate the overproduction of stomach acid. Other foods that stimulate acid in the stomach are milk, beer, wine, and tomatoes. If you can, avoid chocolate.

Also Read

Acid Reflux Disease
5 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate
Coffee and Tea are linked to Diabetes Prevention
Top 3 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
Acid Reflux Medications

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