Common Cold is a viral infection that causes the nose, throat, and sinuses to become congested. It can also cause fever, headache, fatigue, and a sore throat. There are many misunderstood facts about colds. Many myths about the common cold that we hear all the time and believe to be true.
A cold is caused by the rhinovirus. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted through sneezing or coughing. The virus enters through your nose or mouth and then spreads to the respiratory tract which includes your lungs, bronchial tubes, and air sacs in your chest.
The symptoms of a cold typically start with a sore throat or scratchy feeling in the back of the throat followed by sneezing, runny nose, and congestion in the chest or sinuses. A fever may also develop along with body aches and headaches. Here are 5 myths about the common cold.
Myth 1: Don’t Drink Milk
Many people think that drinking milk affects and builds up one's mucus during a cold. This is a myth. Milk does not affect mucus levels, so drink away.
Myth 2: Don’t Kiss
Kissing is off-limits when you have a cold. People tend to believe that kissing a person with a cold increases your chances of getting the cold. The amount of the virus on your lips is microscopic and tiny and kissing is not very likely to transfer the virus.
Myth 3: Cold Weather Causes Colds
“Don’t go out with wet hair and dress warmly or you will catch a cold!” Everyone has been told this, but the truth is the temperature makes no difference at all. You catch a cold by coming into contact with the virus. It doesn’t change anything if you are freezing, boiling, soaking, or parched.
Myth 4: Let The Symptoms Be
People believe that cold symptoms help us rid of the cold quicker, so we should not try to solve them with medicine or home remedies. The symptoms do not alter the duration of the cold at all. Coughing and nose-blowing spread the germs. Painkillers and medicines help keep the cold contained, as the symptoms would usually spread the cold.
Myth 5: Eat! Don’t Eat!
“Starve a fever, feed a cold.” This is untrue. Food gives the body energy to fight the illness. It is important when sick to eat healthy and well. Chicken soup is a good meal.
Myth 6: You can catch a cold from the person sitting next to you on the bus.
The common cold is caused by different viruses and it cannot be caught by contact with someone who has a cold.
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