6 Sex Drive Foods and Drinks

February 22, 2022 | by Dr. Paul Zickler

1. Dark Chocolate

Enjoy food sexuality with the great taste of Dark Chocolate – Food sex ideas – Eating Dark Chocolate is a great way to help your body release feel-good hormones that are released during sex and physical activity. Cocoa itself is a stimulant that makes the skin more sensitive to touch.   Be careful – researchers found that cocoa stimulates the same brain centers as cocaine, but having too much will reverse the effects.   Stay away from white chocolate and eat small amounts of dark chocolate which is packed with more cocoa which is one of the foods that increase sex drive.  Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that can positively affect your health. Made from the seed of the cacao tree, it's one of the best sources of antioxidants that you can find and is very nutritious as it contains a decent amount of soluble fiber and is loaded with minerals. 

Related post - 5 health benefits of dark chocolate

Consuming dark chocolate can improve several important risk factors for heart disease. In a controlled study cocoa powder was found to significantly decrease oxidized LDL (bad) cholesterol in men. It also increased HDL and lowered LDL for those with high cholesterol. So, it will add more years with foods that boost sex drive for males. 

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2. Steak

Its not only good protein but it's also food sexy – Great taste of Steak  Food and sexuality – The protein in Sirloin steak will boost the bodys energy levels and increase muscle mass and strength that will elevate your sex drive. Protein is also an important part of the processes that fuel your energy and carry oxygen in the blood throughout your body keeping you healthy and increasing your libido. Protein is one of a complex group of molecules that do all kinds of jobs in your body. They make up your hair, nails, bones, and muscles. Protein gives tissues and organs their shape and also helps them work the way they should. In short, protein is one of the building blocks that make you into who you are. Besides increasing energy and muscle mass, getting the right amount of protein in your diet improves bone strength; thereby, reducing your risk of osteoporosis (bone loss) by helping you to hold on to your bone density and it helps prevent bone breaks as you age as well.

Related post - Does Steak Make You Fat?

Proteins also improve your immune system as protein are made of amino acids and these compounds help key players in your immune system- T-cells, B cells and antibodies - into germ fighters that spot and kill harmful cells that enter your body before they can start an infection. 

3. Chilli Peppers

Would you like to spice up your sex life? Try some foods that increase your sex drive..like Chilli Peppers!  Caliente Chilli Peppers will cause the heart to speed up and the skin to flush with blood. Chilli peppers help the flow of blood throughout the body raise your excitement levels. Talk about – fast food sex. It is also one of the foods that will extend your life span if you drive to eat it daily.   Chili peppers provide some carbs and offer a small amount of protein and fiber. Chilli peppers are rich in antioxidant plant compounds that have been linked to various health benefits. Most notable is capsaicin, which is responsible for pungent (hot) taste of chilli peppers. Capsaicin binds with pain receptors which are nerve endings that sense pain. This induces a burning sensation but does not cause any real burning injuries. There is also some evidence that suggests that capsaicin can promote weight loss by reducing appetite and increasing fat burning.  Chili peppers are not good for everyone. They trigger a burning sensation and may cause stomach pain and diarrhea in some individuals. Some studies associate chilli consumption with increased cancer risk (find cancer medications here).  

4. Blueberries

Some fruits make everything fun and sexy. Experiment with blueberries. They also help remove excess cholesterol (Accutrend Cholesterol strips) from the blood, reducing the cholesterol levels being absorbed into the arteries – a great way to keep the circulatory system healthy and flowing smoothly. Everyone wants a natural fountain of youth and slowing the breakdown of DNA in your body may get you there: thus, the high consumption of blueberries may help your body slow the aging process and help your cells regenerate preserving your youthful functions including a healthy sex drive.  They can be eaten freshly picked or incorporated into a variety of recipes. They can also be purchased frozen and you can use them to top waffles, pancakes, yogurt, oatmeal and cereal. You can blend them into smoothies or fold them into muffins and sweet breads. 

5. Vanilla Ice Cream

Surprisingly, something that almost everyone loves turns out to be an aphrodisiac that increases libido and sex drive. This is enhanced by stimulating a hormone called “thrombotin” which is a hormone of happiness and reduces the levels of stress in the body. Not only that, as it is made from milk which contains a natural tranquilizer,” L-tryptophan”, that helps to enhance the nervous system. Can you think of a better way for a food as delicious as vanilla ice cream to increase your sex drive.

6. A Glass of Wine

Drink for thought, excellent food sex ideas, experiment with a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day. By lowering your inhibitions to restrain arousal you are on your way to increase your sex drive. But be careful more than two glasses of wine may reverse the positive effects. So now that you have learned what foods may increase your sex drive, it's time to take action and show your significant other what you are made of. Go ahead and have some soul food with a glass of wine, along with some vanilla ice cream for dessert, add some blueberries or really add some spice with dark chocolate with red hot chilli peppers. Now that is a great recipe for foods that increase your sex drive.   DoctorSolve™ Healthcare Solutions Inc, a Internet-based Canadian pharmacy intermediary, offers low cost, long-term prescription drugs. A professionally registered pharmacist fills all Canadian prescriptions. A certified member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association, DoctorSolve™ is ranked as one of the best online Canadian pharmacy. For more information on how to order Canada drugs safely and securely call 1-866-732-0305 or visit https://www.doctorsolve.com/ - a trusted and safe Canadian pharmacy since 1999.
Dr. Paul Zickler

About Author

Dr. Paul Zickler

Dr. Paul Zickler graduated from the faculty of medicine at the University of Western Ontario in 1972 and became an Emergency Physician. He practiced as an Emergency Physician for 18 years after which he co-owned and operated several ambulatory medical and travel clinics for 12 years and discovered his interest in prescription medicines. Dr. Zickler was a founding member of the Canadian International Pharmacy Association (CIPA) and was CIPA’s Vice-president for Medical Affairs. He has also served as an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of British Columbia, the Director of Professional Programs for the Justice Institute of British Columbia (paramedic academy) and was the principal investigator for Phase 2 and 3 studies researching vaccines.

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